Why baseball? There are several reasons. Baseball is America's pastime for a reason. I think people like baseball for it's atmosphere. Its excitement, its strategy, its talent, and youth, and camaraderie, and community, and everything else that is wrapped up in the game. While this world is changing for the worst, and the better, baseball manages to remain a highlight in any situation. During times of struggle, it reminds us of better times and things that are really important. During times of prosperity, it allows us to create memories that last a lifetime. It has penetrated out culture so far that every walk of life knows of it and it influences our speech in expressions like "getting to first base" with a girl or hitting a "grand slam" when something fortuitous happens. Legends are formed in players and players are formed by legends. Above everything else, it is interesting. The delicate balance between pitcher and batter. The connection between ball, bat, and glove. The game of deception between pitcher and base runner. Every hit, every pitch, every game is different, never to be repeated. There is always something new and exciting to watch and experience in this game we call baseball. As said by Mariner's announcer Dave
Heihaus, my oh my.
And it goes far beyond the major leagues. How many fathers and sons have dropped what they were doing on a warm Saturday afternoon to "have a catch," or dad piling the kids into the family sedan to go catch a game with the local minor league team. Though the price of a ticket has gotten kind of steep, their are still bargains available as well, even in the Majors (some seats at the Safe are only $7 for certain games). Or, you could just follow the bright lights of a local little league game to watch the game and see the joy on the kids' faces as they play. Some may grow up to become ball players, but most will go on to lead normal lives and pass the torch on to the next generation.